AirVPN does have excellent customer support, but they tend to be geared more for those who take security seriously and are willing to invest a little time toward that goal. Supposedly, my IP made too many requests – when it was the first time I’ve visited the website in MONTHS. When I used the only contact option available, which was a public Tweet asking what happened, they immediately deleted it without any reply. AirVPN also complies all the EU directives that protect your privacy.
It only provides shared IP address without keeping any logs, thus guarantees a high level of privacy. AirVPN adheres to the European Union Privacy principles, and all its servers (including those outside EU) treat user’s information with optimal data security and privacy. AirVPN is a feature-packed VPN software that utilizes an open source client (OpenVPN with a code name Eddie) to create connections between your local device and its servers. The application allows users to connect up to five devices simultaneously. It works flawlessly with Windows, Linux, MacOS, IOS, and Android devices and offers stellar support for various routers such as Tomato, DD-WRT, TOR, AsusWRT, and pfSense.
The same goes for people who want to use the service via Linux, but what is noticeable about the clients that are available for your computer is that there is a lot to set up yourself. For example, you can choose which network protocol, udp or tcpip, you want to connect via. In addition, you can also decide which port you want to use for that purpose. Because some providers or other wifi providers have blocked certain frequently used VPN ports, this can be useful. For example the wifi in the trains of the NS have certain ports blocked.

The only VPN protocol that their network supports is OpenVPN because they believe that PPTP is too insecure and L2TP/IPSec is probably compromised. This in not a real problem as most major platforms now offer support for OpenVPN, so this will most likely not be an issue with the majority of users.
AirVPN Speeds
This VPN has been created by these people because of the lack of really safe ways to tinker with internet traffic. For example, they support VPN over TOR and VPN over SSL connections. This country is not ideal in terms of privacy, as the government is allowed to request data and ask AirVPN to log certain things.
You get to enjoy unlimited bandwidth and unlimited server switches. There are no maximum speed limits while the minimum speed limit is 4 Mbit per second for both download and upload (worst case scenario). This is sure to make torrent users very happy, as there are absolutely no limitations in terms of sharing data between peers. The app presents an unblemished no logging policy with a clear statement not to track or monitor your online activities.
The VPN provider itself states very clearly that file sharing over the AirVPN network is allowed. The use of Bittorrent or other filesharing services is therefore allowed and not prohibited on the servers.
AirVPN themselves state that they do not log anything about their users and that if the government asks them to do so, they will have it reported to the European Court of Justice. Below you will find an extensive review of AirVPN and you can see what our experiences are with this VPN service.
Air is extremely feature rich offering options that even some of the most expensive vpns don’t. It has features that I didn’t know I needed, but now that I’ve used them couldn’t live without.
Their service allows P2P traffic on all servers and they do not discriminate against any kind of Internet traffic. AirVPN is one of the only services that we know of which offers VPN over Tor, where you connect first to the Tor network, then to AirVPN. This connection type is only available when using the AirVPN client, because it’s software talks to Tor Control to detect and route correctly the guard(s) IP addresses. Otherwise an infinite connection loop occurs because communication between Tor and the guard node (the first node of each circuit) will fall back to the VPN causing errors.
Most of their customers appear to be seasoned vpn users who don’t tolerate BS and demand first rate service. It’s also given me the opportunity of learning far more about netsec than I ever could have elsewhere, both from Air’s support staff and from other Air customers on their forums. The level of their technology and security is dramatically better than all but perhaps one or two others, but for half the money. Two things I wish they had are neural routing and multi-hop/chaining, but if they did they might have to charge what Perfect Privacy charges, which I’m unwilling to pay. As it is I find the level of security they offer with OpenVPN over Tor, OpenVPN over SSL and OpenVPN over SSH to be as good as it gets.
They have a good reputation for the service that they provide. They are committed to net neutrality and Internet freedom through anonymity. Their website is not the jazziest in the VPN space but it is functional. Their network is not one of the biggest but they have servers placed strategically across the world with locations in 16 different countries. Their no log policy, the transparent way they handle requests for information, and their support for payments using the crypto-currencies like Bitcoin shows that their members privacy is very important to them.
- AirVPN allows up to five simultaneous connections for a single account so you will be able to connect your PC, mobile phone, and another device all at the same time.
- The only VPN protocol that their network supports is OpenVPN because they believe that PPTP is too insecure and L2TP/IPSec is probably compromised.

So for me to discover AirVPN a couple years ago was a perfect match. They don’t pay for “reviews,” so you won’t find them on those so-called “review” sites.
It’s great that the service noticed that AirVPN defends a client’s network but not a computer, so you will still need antivirus software installed on your device. AirVPN can terminate your use of the service at any time provided that you have violated the rules of usage. In case if you have decided to terminate the usage of AirVPN before the expiring data, you should remember that no refunds are expected in the case. It features DNS leak protection and the Android version can act as a killswitch, which is rather useful. It also protects you from WebRTC and IPv6 leaks and Logjam hacker attacks.
Does AirVPN Have a Free Version?
The solution rapidly reconnects when you move your devices between switches from WiFi to mobile or router connections without allowing any DNS leak. It was also immune to the recent “ port fail ” vulnerability that affected many VPN services, thanks to its use of separate entry and exit IP addresses on each VPN server. Furthermore, AirVPN is one of the very few VPN providers to protect users against the WebRTC bug (and as we shall see, DNS leak protection and a killswitch are also provided courtesy the desktop client). In my view, in terms of both technical innovation and excellence, plus its attention to detail in protecting customers’ privacy, there is no other service out there that can touch AirVPN. As mentioned above, the AirVPN is one of the few services that allows you to forward porting at no extra cost.
AirVPN allows up to five simultaneous connections for a single account so you will be able to connect your PC, mobile phone, and another device all at the same time. In addition to the normal sharing of IP addresses found in most VPN services, AirVPN also uses a different exit IP address than the entry IP address on all of their VPN servers. This further obfuscates your traffic as it exits their VPN servers. More information about these features can be found on the AirVPN website.
As an extra you can indicate in the client area of the website that you want to have condition ports in order to get the maximum speed with your torrents. There are also detailed instructions on how to set up the different bittorrent or other file sharing software to download anonymously as soon as possible.
This software is completely open-source so you can be sure that nothing weird is installed on your computer, with technical knowledge you can check it yourself. The settings for the Mac and Windows client are very extensive. And if you want to use the service on your Android or iPhone you will have to enter the settings yourself with an OpenVPN before you can use the AirVPN VPN connection.
AirVPN’s Refund Policy
This is especially useful when you want to be able to access services or servers from outside your own network. For example, if you want to be able to use your local nas when you are out of the house, or if you have a web server online, ip camera and so on. AirVPN has a client for Windows and Mac computers to connect to a VPN server within the AirVPN network.
The appearance of the software looks a bit spartan, but it really works. AirVPN is a VPN service that focuses very much on user privacy. It is no surprise, the service is set up by activists and hacktivists.
Is AirVPN Good for Torrenting?
For example, you will find information on how to set up uTorrent and Qbittorrent. The platform provides advanced settings with unlimited server switches, but its major highlights lie in the technical setup and devotion to users looking to customize their own privacy. AirVPN offers a set of great features including VPN through Tor, 5 simultaneous connections per account, OpenVPN support, high-performance servers, transparent policies, and support every protocol.
With servers in 15 countries including Hong Kong, Canada, USA, and host of European nations, this service covers most of the popular locations. In ten plus years of subscribing to multiple vpns I’ve found myself growing increasingly disgusted by all the marketing hype. The vpn world has as much marketing hype/BS as any industry I’ve ever seen. Any business that hypes itself inevitably winds up making gross exaggerations and, left unchecked, that inevitably leads to outright lies (PureVPN, IPVanish, and others claiming they don’t log). When it comes to my personal security I have no time for hype.