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Artificial Intelligence is used to find the best suiting node to provide the content as fast as possible. The team is relatively small and there aren’t many developers listed there. However, the members are very experienced and were working with companies such as Apple, Facebook or HP.
This incentive increases participation in the Substratum network. Substratum Network aims to make the Internet “a free and fair” place by allowing anyone to share their spare computing resources.
To show their dedication and confidence in the project, the team, at ICO, received no shares of tokens and will only receive a stake in the project upon the release of the first version of Substratum. Businesses can purchase Substrate using other cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies, then host their site on the decentralized internet. Substartum network members who run nodes will receive payments in Substrate.
Users who share their spare computing resources with the network as are paid in SUB, as well as those who run a node. The Substratum Network is a worldwide collection of nodes that uses industry-leading cryptography to deliver secure content anywhere, all without the need for VPNs or Tor. Substratum will revolutionize the hosting industry with per-request billing via microtransactions, all handled by blockchain technology and artificial intelligence. It is an online wallet that allows Substratum users to spend and store currencies like USD, BTC and SUB.
This means anyone with a computer has the ability to host websites/applications and hosters are rewarded with the cryptocurrency SUB (which they can then convert to fiat currency). The process to do this has been made super easy and this means that anyone can earn SUB in their sleep by hosting content.
Currently, nearly everything that has to do with cryptocurrency or the blockchain is difficult for average users to do. Substratum aims to use its 10+ years of experience working with companies like Apple to emphasize a better user experience. A better user experience spurs more adoption and a bigger decentralized internet. This means one can host their content and receive payments for it in a decentralized manner. The SUB token is highly divisible, enabling the processing of microtransactions which should bring down hosting costs.
In addition, it provides net neutrality so that all sites have equal access, allowing users to browse without the need for an internet service provider (ISP). Due to encryption, the Substratum Network is not able to be monitored, so government control is not a concern. The Substratum team is made up of software developers, product engineers, web developers and marketing experts, all with around 20–30 years of experience in their fields.
The idea is to ensure that users have unrestricted access to content and that internet use is free from centralization. The network consists of a worldwide collection of nodes that provide “secure Internet content” without the need for a VPN or Tor. The idea is to enable users to view Substratum-hosted content in their browsers without having to worry about censorship like government restrictions on content. It is an ERC-20 token and able to be purchased by companies who wish to host their website or content on the Substratum Network.
The whitepapers easily explain the idea behind the project and its main feature however lack technical details. Substratum is an open-source network where anyone can rent their computer as a hosting server and earn cryptocurrency. Find out how this decentralized internet platform works today in our review. It is an online wallet that allows Substratum users to spend and store currencies like USD, EUR, GBP, BTC and SUB. CryptoPay will be available for any site or application on the Substratum network and allow them to accept and process transactions using any publicly traded coin as well as credit cards.
Substratum will install and run several supernodes to maintain the network to address this issue in early stages of network growth, though. We really do feel that the project is being built to make the world a better place. However, it will be our responsibility as users to ensure that this technology is used for good and not used to distribute evil. We are slightly concerned over increasing government censorship of the internet and how centralised the current web has become e.g. We like how Substratum gives internet users the choice of an alternative system.
- Everyone who runs a node gets paid in cryptocurrency to forward content.
- Moreover, due to the decentralized nature of the project, there won’t be any censorship or limited access to some websites as it happens in some cases now.
- The sole idea focuses on the fact that everyone can then host websites or applications using Substratum.
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The way to think of the SUB cryptocurrency is of it being the fuel that powers the Substratum network. Substratum achieves freedom of information through the creation of an open network which allows anyone to share their computing power with the network.
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The sole idea focuses on the fact that everyone can then host websites or applications using Substratum. Everyone who runs a node gets paid in cryptocurrency to forward content. Moreover, due to the decentralized nature of the project, there won’t be any censorship or limited access to some websites as it happens in some cases now.
We fully support everyone’s right to the freedom of speech and to access data/content freely (provided it’s not illegal in nature). The project strives to help us all protect these freedoms and we think that’s great. Investors and users want to see a project with a great vision, but also need to have confidence that the team is capable of executing. It should be noted that at ICO, Substratum did things differently. Founders received no shares at ICO and only get a stake in the project upon the release of the first version of Substratum.

Furthermore, when a shopper checks out using CryptoPay, the payment method they use is converted to the payment method the vendor desires using Substrate as the conversion currency. It is unclear whether these non-professional participants will be enough to keep Substratum running.
This means that as Substratum is adopted, it will organically increase the levels of cryptocurrency adoption as well. The current Internet, as outlined above, is one that is centralized and subject to a host of issues, such as censorship. A decentralized Internet eliminates the centralization issues and the dangers of a single authority controlling content.
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We really like this stance, as it means that the founders must deliver a product to realise any value. The first thing you need to know is that Substratum is the name of the project and SUB is the token. Substratum is creating a decentalized internet and the vision is to create a free and fair internet.
Running a Substratum node will reward hosts with the network’s native cryptocurrency, SUB tokens, when they serve content. A decentralized internet eliminates the danger of a single authority controlling content.
In addition, decentralization provides net neutrality because all sites have equal access, allowing users to browse without the need for an ISP. Due to encryption, the Substratum Network cannot be monitored, so government control is not a concern.