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The list is generated by authorities and was originally crafted to eliminate sites hosting child pornography. However, there is no legal way to appeal a site that ends up on the list and as a result, many non-child pornography sites have been blacklisted. It is important to consider that Sweden’s government enjoys a high level of trust from their citizens.
What are the four categories of privacy threats?
He lists four general categories of privacy-harming activities: information collection, information processing, information dissemination, and invasion.
Although China is known for its remarkable reputation on maintaining internet privacy among many online users[citation needed], it could potentially be a major jeopardy to the lives of many online users who have their information exchanged on the web on a regular basis. For instance, in China, there is a new software that will enable the concept of surveillance among the majority of online users and present a risk to their privacy. China has a well known policy of censorship when it comes to the spread of information through public media channels. Censorship has been prominent in Mainland China since the communist party gained power in China over 60 years ago. With the development of the internet, however, privacy became more of a problem for the government.

The Chinese Government has been accused of actively limiting and editing the information that flows into the country via various media. The internet poses a particular set of issues for this type of censorship, especially when search engines are involved. Yahoo! for example, encountered a problem after entering China in the mid-2000s. A Chinese journalist, who was also a Yahoo! user, sent private emails using the Yahoo! server regarding the Chinese government. Search engines also are able to retain user information, such as location and time spent using the search engine, for up to ninety days.
In 2012, Sweden received a Web Index Score of 100, a score that measures how the internet significantly influences political, social, and economic impact, placing them first among 61 other nations. Sweden received this score while in the process of exceeding new mandatory implementations from the European Union. Sweden placed more restrictive guidelines on the directive on intellectual property rights enforcement (IPRED) and passed the FRA-law in 2009 that allowed for the legal sanctioning of surveillance of internet traffic by state authorities. The FRA has a history of intercepting radio signals and has stood as the main intelligence agency in Sweden since 1942.
Researchers believe this could force a reconsideration of future attitudes to privacy. Sweden is often considered to be at the forefront of internet use and regulations. On 11 May 1973 Sweden enacted the Data Act the world’s first national data protection law. They are constantly innovating the way that the internet is used and how it impacts their people.

These techniques encountered issues when successfully combined anonymization, privacy protection, and big data techniques to analyse usage data while protecting the identities of users. Intel Human Factors Engineering team wanted to use web page access logs and big data tools to enhance convenience of Intel’s heavily used internal web portal. Cloud computing is a type of large-scale distributed computing paradigms which has become a driving force for Information and Communications Technology over the past several years, due to its innovative and promising vision. It provides the possibility of improving IT systems management and is changing the way in which hardware and software are designed, purchased, and utilized. One of the most popular topics of discussion in regards to internet privacy is China.
New forms of social networking and digital media such as Instagram and Snapchat may call for new guidelines regarding privacy. What makes this difficult is the wide range of opinions surrounding the topic, so it is left mainly up to individual judgement to respect other people’s online privacy in some circumstances. It has been a topic of discussion of who is held accountable for the collection and distribution of personal information. This relates to the ever-present issue of how society regards social media sites. There is a growing number of people that are discovering the risks of putting their personal information online and trusting a website to keep it private.
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- Face recognition technology can be used to gain access to a person’s private data, according to a new study.
Yet in a recent study, researchers found that young people are taking measures to keep their posted information on Facebook private to some degree. Examples of such actions include managing their privacy settings so that certain content can be visible to “Only Friends” and ignoring Facebook friend requests from strangers.
Sweden has a mixture of government’s strong push towards implementing policy and citizens’ continued perception of a free and neutral internet. Both of the previously mentioned additions created controversy by critics but they did not change the public perception even though the new FRA-law was brought in front of the European Court of Human Rights for human rights violations.
Users create their own digital trails that hackers and companies alike capture and utilize for a variety of marketing and advertisement targeting. A recent paper from the Rand Corporation claims “privacy is not the opposite of sharing – rather, it is control over sharing.” Internet privacy concerns arise from the surrender of personal information to engage in a variety of acts, from transactions to commenting in online forums.
Google search engine not only seeks what is searched, but also strives to allow the user to feel like the search engine recognizes their interests. A system that Google uses to filter advertisements and search results that might interest the user is by having a ranking system that tests relevancy that include observation of the behavior users exude while searching on Google. Search engines are able to predict where one’s location is currently by locating IP Addresses and geographical locations. With the Republicans in control of all three branches of the U.S. government, lobbyists for internet service providers (ISPs) and tech firms persuaded lawmakers to dismantle regulations to protect privacy which had been made during the Obama administration. These FCC rules had required ISPs to get “explicit consent” before gathering and selling their private internet information, such as the consumers’ browsing histories, locations of businesses visited and applications used.
search engine has promoted a tool of “AskEraser” which essentially takes away personal information when requested.Some changes made to internet search engines included that of Google’s search engine. Beginning in 2009, Google began to run a new system where the Google search became personalized. The item that is searched and the results that are shown remembers previous information that pertains to the individual.
These regulations helped grow web infrastructure and forced prices below the European average. To add to the intrigue around Sweden’s laws and regulations, one must also mention how copyright laws evolved in Sweden. File sharing has been illegal in Sweden since it was developed, however, there was never any real fear of being persecuted for the crime until 2009 when the Swedish Parliament was the first in the European Union to pass the intellectual property rights directive. This directive persuaded internet service providers to announce the identity of suspected violators. A final piece of legislation worth mentioning when discussing Sweden’s regulations is the infamous centralized block list.
Collection of Unnecessary Data
Most search engine operators use the data to get a sense of which needs must be met in certain areas of their field. People working in the legal field are also allowed to use information collected from these search engine websites. The Google search engine is given as an example of a search engine that retains the information entered for a period of three-fourths of a year before it becomes obsolete for public usage. Yahoo! follows in the footsteps of Google in the sense that it also deletes user information after a period of ninety days.
Without this trust, many of these regulations would not be possible and thus many of these regulations may only be feasible in the Swedish context. Online users must seek to protect the information they share with online websites, specifically social media. In today’s Web 2.0 individuals have become the public producers of personal information.
The law was established by the National Defense Radio Establishment (Forsvarets Radio Anstalt – FRA) to eliminate outside threats. However, the law also allowed for authorities to monitor all cross-border communication without a warrant. Sweden’s recent emergence into internet dominance may be explained by their recent climb in users. Only 2% of all Swedes were connected to the internet in 1995 but at last count in 2012, 89% had broadband access. This was due in large part once again to the active Swedish government introducing regulatory provisions to promote competition among internet service providers.
Personal Data Sharing
In 2013 a class action lawsuit was filed against Facebook alleging the company scanned user messages for web links, translating them to “likes” on the user’s Facebook profile. Data lifted from the private messages was then used for targeted advertising, the plaintiffs claimed. This is becoming a bigger issue now that so much of society interacts online which was not the case fifteen years ago. In addition, because of the quickly evolving digital media arena, people’s interpretation of privacy is evolving as well, and it is important to consider that when interacting online.
Face recognition technology can be used to gain access to a person’s private data, according to a new study. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University combined image scanning, cloud computing and public profiles from social network sites to identify individuals in the offline world. Experts have warned of the privacy risks faced by the increased merging of online and offline identities. The researchers have also developed an ‘augmented reality’ mobile app that can display personal data over a person’s image captured on a smartphone screen. Since these technologies are widely available, users’ future identities may become exposed to anyone with a smartphone and an internet connection.